Friday, 5 March 2010

I thought the big freeze was over

Well there you go. Happy in the knowledge that the cold weather was disappearing fast I thought that was the big freeze over.
....Well its not....
I am suffering from a frozen right shoulder.  I had one over 10 years ago on my left shoulder and my memories of the pain were not an exaggeration.
....Not happy....
Still Painkillers are taking the edge off it, the doctor said they would sign me off for a few weeks, Obviously not understanding the term self-employed.
I will be back at it by Monday
(better not say which one)

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Please vote for me

I Have been entered for THE 2010 craft&design SELECTED AWARDS. if I am successful hopefully this will bring wider exposure to me and my work as an Artist Blacksmith.
The competition works by people voting online for there chosen maker, the person with the most votes in various categories wins.
If you can find the time to vote I would really appreciate it. I have put the link to vote for me below. the link opens up with the vote button at the bottom of the page about me, then follow the instructions given. once again many thanks

The Public Vote is open until 30th APRIL 2010


Thank you for your support

Scaling up a drawing

I Just tried a new technique for getting a drawing to full size for scaling up the various sections. All my work is drawn on cad so I linked up the computer to my projector in the workshop and moved the screen (steel Plate) on the overhead crane until the sizes on the drawing where equal to full size then I drew round it once onto the steel sheet for a pattern and once again onto paper to then cut out as templates. Easy peasy except when you turned round and got blinded